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Open Space Committee Minutes (revised) 12/10/2010
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: December 10, 2010

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:35 am with OSC members Bruce Baratz, Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Evan Griswold, George James, Ted Kiritsis and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton in attendance.  Also in attendance were Old Lyme resident, John Pfeiffer, and Old Lyme First Selectman, Tim Griswold.

John Pfeiffer, whose property is across Whippoorwill Road from the Ames Preserve and who provides parking access to the Preserve, addressed the OSC regarding the recent trapping of beaver in the Preserve.  Mr. Pfeiffer reasoned that the trapping of beaver in the preserve to mitigate flooding caused by a beaver dam was ill advised, as the flooding neither threatened housing, nor was it a significant factor in inhibiting fish run. More generally, Mr. Pfeiffer argued forcefully against OSC sanctioning the elimination of beaver in Ames Preserve. Rather, he suggested, the Preserve should be considered as a preserve for all species. This matter was discussed further under New Business.

On a motion by Ted, seconded by Evan, it was voted to approve the revised minutes, as corrected by Christina, of the November 12, 2010 OSC meeting.

a) Discussion with Tim Griswold
At 08:50 on a motion by Peter, seconded by Amanda, it was voted to go into executive session with Selectman Griswold, to discuss a property matter he sought to address with the OSC. At 09:25 on a motion by Ted, seconded by George, it was voted to end executive session. No actions had been taken during executive session.

b) Zito property
Diana reported that Ted Zito has offered to donate 3.2 acres at 12 Birch Trail on Rogers Lake Trail to the Town. On a motion by Evan, second by Bruce, it was voted unanimously to accept the donation of the Zito property subject to resolution of an issue of ownership of Birch Trail, as it appears on the property map.

c) Kus property
There was nothing new to report regarding the Kus property.

d) Graeb property
There was nothing new to report regarding the Graeb property.

a) Old Lyme Heights
Evan said that a second Inland Wetlands Commission public hearing regarding the Old Lyme Heights development and he referred the committee to the minutes of the November 30, 2010 Inland Wetlands Commission meeting for additional information.

OLCT Report
At 09:55 on motion by Evan, second by Ted, it was voted to go into executive session to discuss with Christina items of mutual concern to OLCT and the Town (OSC). At 10:15 on a motion by Amanda, second by Evan, it was voted to end executive session. No actions were taken during executive session.

New Business
a) Beaver removal in Ames Preserve
There was extended discussion about the recent trapping of beaver on Ames Preserve, as described and commented upon earlier by John Pfeiffer. It was agreed that, when Open Space is established as a commission, a letter would be written to the Conservation Commission indicating the Open Space Commission aversion to removal of beaver from Town open space.

Old Business
a) Northeast Utilities Environmental Community Grant
Diana reported that OSC didn’t get a Northeast Utilities Environmental Community Grant this year, as all the grant funding had been allocated.
b) Trail Book
Peter said that he would begin serious work on developing a new trail book, and asked for volunteers for the endeavor. Amanda and Bruce agreed to help.

At 10:55 am on motion by Amanda, second by Ted, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable